The Plan

How we save Suriname

1. Central Bank and Currency

Current Situation
The central bank controls the money supply, leading to inflation and a weak SRD (Surinamese dollar).

Maya’s Vision

  Eliminate the central bank.
  Adopt Bitcoin as the national currency.
  Introduce free currency competition.

Benefit for the Population
  Increased purchasing power.
  Freedom to choose currencies.

  Introduce Bitcoin as legal tender.
  Allow free currency choice.

  Inflation or collapse of alternative currencies.
•   Resistance from traditional financial institutions.

Phased Bitcoin adoption and public education programs to ease the transition and build trust in Bitcoin.

Implementing Countries
•    El Salvador (Bitcoin adoption).
•    Switzerland (currency competition).

Subject Experts
•    Philipp Bagus – Professor, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid, Spain). Expert in monetary policy and Bitcoin.
•    Adam Back – CEO, Blockstream (UK). Bitcoin pioneer and expert in decentralized currency systems.

2. Taxation and State Financing

Current Situation
High taxes and inefficiency in public service delivery.

Maya’s Vision
Reduce taxes significantly and privatize public services to improve efficiency.

Benefit for the Population
•    Higher disposable income.
•    Better service quality.

•    Gradual tax reduction.
•    Privatization of state-run enterprises.

Initial loss of government revenue, potential inequalities in service delivery.

•    Use of oil and resource royalties as a buffer for revenue loss.
•    Create transparent regulations for service providers.

Implementing Countries
•    Hong Kong (low-tax economy).
•    Estonia (digital tax systems).

Subject Experts
•    Prof. Dr. Christian Keuschnigg – Professor of Public Finance, University of St. Gallen (Switzerland). Expert in taxation and fiscal policy.
•    Dr. Christoph Schaltegger – Professor of Economics, University of Lucerne (Switzerland). Specializes in state financing and tax reform.

3. Privatization of Healthcare, Education, and Infrastructure

Current Situation
State-controlled sectors are inefficient and deliver low-quality services.

Maya’s Vision
Privatize healthcare, education, and infrastructure to enhance service delivery through competition.

Benefit for the Population
•    Higher quality healthcare, education, and infrastructure services due to competition.
•    Transformation: Implement public-private partnerships and voucher systems for vulnerable groups.

•    Exclusion of low-income groups from essential services.
•    Risk of monopolies forming.

•    Introduction of voucher systems and subsidies for lower-income families, and regulation to prevent monopolization.

Implementing Countries
•    Singapore (healthcare privatization)
•    Chile (education reforms).

Subject Experts
•    Prof. Dr. Justus Haucap – Professor, Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics (Germany). Expert in privatization and competition.
•    Dr. Eamonn Butler – Director, Adam Smith Institute (UK). Expert in privatization and public service reforms.

4. Capital Market and Economic Development

Current Situation
Limited capital markets and underdeveloped investment opportunities.

Maya’s Vision
•    Establish blockchain-based capital markets and introduce Bitcoin bonds to boost economic growth.
•    Benefit for the Population: More investment opportunities and enhanced wealth creation.

Create a blockchain-based trading platform and regulatory framework for foreign investors.

•    Capital flight and volatility in new financial instruments.
•    Difficulty attracting international investors.

Strengthening legal and financial infrastructure to ensure market stability and investor confidence.

Implementing Countries
•    Liechtenstein (blockchain finance)
•    Estonia (digital markets).

Subject Experts
•    Gabor Gurbacs – Digital asset strategist at VanEck (USA). Expert in digital finance and capital markets.
•    Dr. Fabian Schär – Professor of Blockchain, University of Basel (Switzerland). Expert in blockchain and decentralized finance.

5. Social Programs and Subsidies

Current Situation
Social programs are unsustainable, with heavy reliance on subsidies.

Maya’s Vision
Gradually phase out social programs and focus on job creation and self-reliance.

Benefit for the Population:
Economic empowerment and reduced dependency on state support.

Gradually reduce subsidies and promote private charity and employment initiatives.

•    Increased inequality and public backlash.
•    Potential rise in unemployment.

Gradual reduction of subsidies, supported by job creation initiatives and private sector involvement.

Implementing Countries
•    New Zealand (social spending reforms)
•    Chile (gradual privatization).

Subject Experts
•    Prof. Dr. Gabriel Felbermayr – President, Austrian Institute for Economic Research (Austria). Expert in social programs and economic reform.
•    Dr. Barbara Kolm – Vice President, Austrian Central Bank (Austria). Expert in public finance and economic liberalization.

6. Bitcoin Mining and Resource Revenue

Current Situation
Reliance on natural resources like gold and oil, but insufficient diversification.

Maya’s Vision
Promote Bitcoin mining through renewable energy resources to diversify the economy.

Benefit for the Population
New revenue streams and reduced reliance on traditional resources.

Establish renewable-powered Bitcoin mining farms and create a national mining strategy.

•    Environmental concerns and energy overconsumption.
•    Global regulatory pressures on cryptocurrency.

Implement sustainable energy policies and collaborate with international regulatory bodies.

Implementing Countries

Iceland, Norway (sustainable energy for Bitcoin mining).

Subject Experts
•    Adam Back – CEO, Blockstream (UK). Expert in Bitcoin mining and renewable energy use in cryptocurrency.
•    Muneeb Ali – CEO, Trust Machines (USA). Expert in Bitcoin-based technology and mining infrastructure.

7. Royalties from Oil and Gold Mining

Current Situation
Heavy reliance on oil and gold revenues with projected royalties starting in 2028.

Maya’s Vision
Establish a sovereign wealth fund to manage oil and gold royalties transparently and efficiently.

Benefit for the Population
Sustainable long-term benefits from natural resources.

Create a sovereign wealth fund with international oversight and transparent governance.


•    Mismanagement and corruption.
•    Over-dependence on resource revenues.

Partner with international organizations for oversight and diversify the economy to reduce reliance on resources.

Implementing Countries
•    Norway (oil wealth fund).
•    Botswana (resource management).

Subject Experts
•    Prof. Dr. Ricardo Hausmann – Director, Growth Lab, Harvard University (USA). Expert in resource-based economies.
•    Dr. Pedro Schwartz – Senior Fellow, Independent Institute (Spain). Expert in sovereign wealth funds and economic reform.

8. Privatization of Sovereign Services

Current Situation
Reliance on state-run enterprises that are inefficient and unprofitable.

Maya’s Vision
Privatize telecommunications, utilities, and transport sectors to improve efficiency and profitability.

Benefit for the Population
Higher quality services at lower prices due to competition.

Gradually privatize these sectors with frameworks for fair competition and regulation.

•    Formation of monopolies and reduced consumer protection.
•    Resistance from public sector workers.

Establish regulatory bodies to ensure competition and consumer rights, and offer retraining programs for displaced workers.

Implementing Countries
•    UK (telecom privatization).
•    Japan (transportation reforms).

Subject Experts
•    Prof. Dr. Justus Haucap – Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics (Germany). Expert in privatization and competition.
•    Dr. Eamonn Butler – Director, Adam Smith Institute (UK). Leading authority on free market reforms.

9. Deregulation and Economic Growth

Current Situation
Excessive bureaucracy and regulation stifle business and economic growth.

Maya’s Vision
Deregulate sectors to allow businesses to thrive and reduce unnecessary bureaucracy.

Benefit for the Population
Easier business creation, more job opportunities, and a growing economy.

Simplify regulations, reduce red tape, and streamline the process for business licenses.

•    Regulatory gaps leading to abuses.
•    Lack of oversight in critical sectors.


•    Introduce a gradual deregulation process with oversight committees to monitor potential abuses and market failures.

Implementing Countries
•    Singapore (business deregulation).
•    New Zealand (economic reforms).

Subject Experts
•    Prof. Dr. Lars P. Feld – Professor, Walter Eucken Institute (Germany). Expert in economic deregulation and competition policy.
•    Dr. Milton Ezrati – Chief Economist, Vested (USA). Expert in economic growth and deregulation.
•    Philipp Bagus, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, remains the top expert for leading the overall transformation