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Bitcoin Amsterdam 2024

Interview - Oktober 2024 - Live on-stage - English

In this interview, Maya shares her personal story of how corruption has affected her family and country, and why she believes Bitcoin is the solution to Suriname's economic woes. Learn about her vision to make Bitcoin legal tender, transition the country to a Bitcoin standard, and fight against systemic corruption.(Surinamese dollar).

Radio Awaaz Suriname

Interview - Oktober 2024 - 🇳🇱 Dutch

Mijn ambitie is om president van Suriname te worden, met als doel het bestrijden van corruptie, het verkleinen van het overheidsapparaat en het privatiseren van parastatale bedrijven.' Maya is van mening dat de burgers meer invloed en zeggenschap moeten krijgen op beslissingen over overheidstaken, via directe democratie. 'Als de voorzieningen op orde zijn, dan zijn de burgers minder geneigd corrupt te zijn

Cafe Weltschmerz Netherlands

Interview - Oktober 2024 - Live Studio - 🇳🇱 Dutch

Maya Parbhoe is een van de grote kanshebbers voor het presidentschap in Suriname. Met haar bespreek ik de corruptie in het land, maar ook de positieve potentie van Bitcoin als oplossing. Dit en meer in deze aflevering van Staat's Schuld.

Bitcoin News

Interview - September 2024 - English

In this interview, the next potential president of Suriname, Maya Parbhoe, exposes her plan for her country if elected.

She reveals how Samson Mow is helping her formulate her Bitcoin plan, as well as so much more!

Simply Bitcoin IRL

Interview - September 2024 - Online - English

Nico from Simply Bitcoin talks with Maya Parbhoe potentially the next bitcoin president of suriname about the importance of bitcoin education and coloring the world orange!

Bitcoin Infinity Show

Interview - September 2024 - Online - English

Maya Parbhoe joins the Bitcoin Infinity Show to share her story, going from Bitcoin advocate to presidential candidate in Suriname.

Maya shares her passion for innovation and Bitcoin, explains her vision for implementing Bitcoin as a national currency, and outlines her political campaign for 2025.

She provides insights into Suriname's unique cultural and economic landscape and describes efforts to create a sustainable circular economy powered by Bitcoin.

The Bitcoin Podcast

Interview - March 2024 - Online - English

"Government, the State, doesn't have to be the way it is right now..." The world doesn't have to be the way that it is right now. On this Bitcoin Talk episode of THE Bitcoin Podcast, Walker talks with Maya Parbhoe. Maya is an entrepreneur, Bitcoiner, and she's running for president in Suriname.